Friday, June 14, 2013


There is nothing that inspires me more than travel! Over the years and in many an interview, when asked what inspires me and stimulates the creative juices, my answer is always "travel". This year I have been on the receiving end of some phenomenal opportunities both at home and abroad, and although all but a few were business-related, I still return from each inspired and invigorated. Each and every locale and the very experience of just getting there shifts my perspective both visually and emotionally in ways that are imprinted for life- to quote Henry Miller-"One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things."

This past April, while in Berlin attending the Leaders of Design Council meeting, I had the honor of spending time with Charlotte Moss, one of my most revered design icons. Her insatiable curiosity and never-ending quest for historical design precedents was positively refreshing. Everywhere we went she had her iPad at the ready and her camera(s) poised- passionate about recording an image or searching for that little known tidbit of information pertinent to where we were or what we were about to see! Several years ago I heard Charlotte speak and was awe-struck. She is a historian and scholarly in her approach to sharing her collective travels and imagery. She used her photography, collage and scrapbooks to tell her story-to impart a visual history of her journeys and personal experiences. I was left with the lasting impression that this is not only a woman who is an amazing designer, but a woman who is a passionate fellow traveler, who will continue to inspire not only me but others with her incessant enthusiasm for exploring the beautiful world we live in. What a pleasure it was to be in the presence of such boundless intellectual energy!


  1. A lovely tribute to Charlotte Moss - I agree with you completely - she is unique in this way and a continual inspiration to me here in Australia as well! Jenny

  2. Thank you was a treat to be there with her!!!

  3. I think that travelling is the most inspirational thing out there. You get to be exposed to so many different cultures and history. I love all of the pictures that you have posted.

    from Bella at Split-Site PhD

  4. Great blog. Nice images. Nice inspiration.
    Thank you Jenny..

  5. شركة مكافحة حشرات بسيهات
    الحشرات اصبحت لها انواع عديدة ومختلفة وجميع المبيدات الحشرية السوقية لاتأتي بنتيجة جيدة من اجل القضاء علي هذه الحشرات ولكن مهما اختلف نوع الحشرات سوف تجدوا ان شركة مكافحة حشرات بسيهات هي الحل لمكافحة جميع انواع الحشرات والقوارض، شركة مكافحة حشرات بسيهات تمتلك افضل الايدي العاملة الماهرة وتمتلك افضل المعدات والاجهزة الخاصة بعمليات مكافحة الحشرات مثل تلك الاجهزة الحديثة التي تقضي على الحشرات والقوارض عن طريق موجات كهرومغناطيسية تهاجم الجهاز العصبي لتلك الحشرات فتقضي عليها فورا او تؤدي الي هروبها من المكان، ايضا نستخدم افضل المبيدات الحشرية التي تكون مستوردة وامنة تماما ولا يوجد لها رائحة كريهة اطلاقا كل هذا مع أفضل الأسعار والتكاليف
