Tuesday, April 21, 2015


"Travel and change of place impart a new vigor to the mind." Seneca
 I've always said there is nothing like travel to inspire and reinvigorate the senses.
Just back from eleven action-packed days in Athens, Greece with the Leaders of Design Council followed by a post-trip to Egypt with our host Marmi Stone, my head is spinning! Can you say "jet lag"? Take two magnificent locales,coupled with an extraordinary group of creative, dynamic people (throw in days of major sleep deprivation, planes, trains, buses and boats-three costume parties and more than a few libations) and VOILA- a good time was had by all! ( please do not scrutinize all the punctuation errors in that paragraph- did I mention the jet lag?)
Thank you Leaders of Design Council for continuing to expand our horizons and to Marmi for a spectacular trip through Egypt. Our worlds will never be the same.
 Until next year.......
(To see more of our trip go to Instagram #leadersofdesign.)