Wednesday, August 1, 2012


That cold winter's day in Florence many years ago feels a lifetime away-yet on that freezing cold day in the limonaia at the Giardino Torrigiani I looked up and saw it! The most beautiful ceiling fan in the world! That very day I became obsessed- was it antique? NO!! It's Italian! It was new! Where do I get one? How can I get it to America? We have to have it!

So here we are seven years later after three years getting it here, several "research and development" trips later (of course we HAVE to to to Capri to see it installed!), and a crash course in technical things I NEVER intended to learn EVER.....

There are now Aria Ventilatori fans installed in projects spanning the globe-una brezza bella italiana. Mille grazie to my dear friend Joanne Sims (the one REALLY responsible for all things Aria) for her diligence and never-ending attention to every detail and to all the fans of our fans everywhere!

          Capri Palace          



  1. Such beautiful fans, inspiring photography and incredible projects by some of our favorite designers! Stop by Grizzel & Mann at the Atlanta Decorative Arts Center for a first hand look at Aria Ventilatori.

  2. I just returned from staying at Capri Palace and I thought the same thing about those fans! I absolutely love them…along with everything else at Capri Palace! Great blog…a lady after my own heart! Bravo!

    ~Laura Nay

  3. Hi. I have been trying to find these fans? Do you have a source!
